Working Towards a Better Tomorrow

Moriti oa Sechaba Logo

Moriti oa Sechaba (MORITI) is a non profit making Organization that was registered in 2003 as a Trust and as a Private Voluntary Organization in 2015. The Organization focusses mainly Disaster Risk Reduction in relation to Climate Change, community and schools WASH programmes (Water, Sanitation, Health and Hygiene), Nutrition and Food Security. Cross cutting issues of Gender Based Violence and HIV and AIDS are mainstreamed into major activities. The Organisation is run by a Board of Directors and staff are led by the Executive Director. Staff comprise of the Executive Director, Programmes Manager, Finance & Admin Manager, M & E Officer, Field Officers and the Finance & Admin Assistant.


MORITI exists to improve the livelihoods of the community through strategic interventions that address Climate Change, Water, Sanitation, Food Security and Public Health.


Moriti Oa Sechaba is committed to become the world class provider of Water, Sanitation, Health and Hygiene facilities, Food Security and Knowledge assimilation for rural marginalized communities in Zimbabwe


Moriti oa Sechaba values people, the communities who are our chief stakeholders. We value transparency and uphold trust as a virtue. We are accountable to our beneficiaries, donors and other stakeholders and we value working in a peaceful environment


The Organization has expertise in Public Health, WASH, Nutrition, Food Security, Health and Hygiene programmes , Monitoring & Evaluation as well as Financial Management. This comes through the members of staff.


MORITI has been operational in Beitbridge, Gwanda, Mangwe and Matobo districts as well as in Plumtree Town and Bulawayo City- Cowdray Park and Luveve in Zimbabwe between 2004-2024.


Our Experience

Experience in WASH (17 years of experience)

The Organization Team has been facilitating the execution of Water and Sanitation Projects since 2004 to date. Activities included borehole drilling, rehabilitation, repairing and training of Ward Pump minders and Village Pump Mechanics . Water Point Committees were trained as well. The other activities included training of latrine builders for community and school latrine construction as well as mobilization and training of Sanitation Action Groups to support the latrine construction projects. Health and Hygiene Promotion activities included the training of School Health Masters, Community Leaders, Village Health Workers on Hygiene and facilitation of the formation of Community and School Health Clubs.

Experience in Food Security & Nutrition

The Organization was involved in Nutrition plots for community Food Security which benefitted individuals and families and improved their livelihoods. This was done in Gwanda, Beitbridge and Matobo districts for 10 years and in Mangwe district- ongoing project. The Nutrition programmes also include Nutrition awareness campaigns, education, food utilization and processing as well as Under-Five feeding and growth monitoring.

Experience in Disaster Response

The Team is well experienced in managing disasters and have been involved in activities on recovery after Cyclones hit Beitbridge and Matobo districts

Organogram of the Organization

Organogram of Moriti oa Sechaba


Mrs Sefelipelo Bhebhe
Executive Director
Moritioa Sechaba

"Umthunzi wesizwe"